🪙TNT Token

The TNT token is the utility and governance token of the TNTSwap protocol.


  • Ticker - TNT

  • Name - TNTSwap Token

  • Total Supply - 1,000,000,000 TNT

  • Contract Address - TBA


The total initial issuance of TNTSwap Token (TNT) is 1 billion, which is mainly distributed through liquidity mining.

In order to allow the product to reach more users, we will airdrop 20 million TNT to loyal users. Our airdrop plan will be implemented in multiple stages.

In order to give back to early angel investors who support the development of TNTSwap, 5%, or 50 million TNT, will be given back to early angel investors. This part will be unlocked in blocks through smart contracts in 12 months after the mainnet goes online.

93% of TNT will be mined through liquidity staking on the mainnet.

10% of the TNT produced by mining will automatically enter the Dao fund account for continued research and development and ecological development.

Selling Pressure

  • 100% of the transaction fees generated by user transactions will be used to add to the TNT-USDB liquidity Pool.

  • Profits from other modules will be used to buy back and destroy TNT.

Last updated